why thrift

Online Thrifting is Kind to the Earth
By giving new life to old things, and selling thrifted clothing online, we’re saving more than just the clothes themselves.
Shopping preloved/thrift reduces water waste, carbon emissions, marine pollution, and the need for low-wage factories.

Explore Your Style, Sustainably & Affordably
Still discovering your aesthetic? No problem! Thrifted items are perfect for DIY projects and can be versatile additions to any wardrobe — for a fraction of the price tag of a Fast Fashion item.
And each piece is worn-in and buttery-soft, so they already have that “this has been my favorite [shirt, jacket, etc.] for years” look and feel.

On average, a thrifted bundle purchase at Goodfair saves 2000 gallons of water and 100 kilograms of carbon emissions.
700 Gallons
20% - 35%

Become a Conscious Consumer
Fast Fashion retailers would have us thinking we need to update our wardrobes every couple of months, releasing as many as 24 new collections a year (from the original 2 collections). But this mentality only contributes to the clothing waste crisis and means $$$ for you!
With the rise of sustainability, many brands have resorted to greenwashing to attract customers. It’s up to us to thoroughly research “green” products and hold companies accountable for mislabeling and false claims. And when in doubt, thrifting is the greenest option.